Partners in Education

OCPS District Partners in Education Website 

We are always looking for partners to help with student and staff incentives, Teach In, supplies, and much more. We appreciate all of the help our local businesses give our school. If you are interested in becoming a partner of Deerwood, please contact our school's front office.


 Partners in Education - Connecting Individuals and Businesses with Schools

Thank you for your interest in the Orange County Public School's Partners in Education program. As the 11th largest school district in the country, we appreciate and depend on our community's active interest in local education. Currently, Partners in Education is made up of more than 2,500 district and school-based partnerships. Connecting the academic and business communities within the city allows us to provide students with even more opportunities for success. There are a variety of ways in which you can become a partner. Our schools are always willing to explore how your business or organization can become involved. We look forward to seeing your name among our Partners in Education.

Bringing the Community into the Classroom … Partners in Education